Wednesday 5 February 2014

New Species of Whales

Researchers have found a new species of whale that was washed up on Desroches Island. It was described as a mysterious beaked whale based on studies of seven other animals founded on rare tropical islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans over the past decades. The issue relates to what I have studied in science because we've researched new species of different kind of animals that resemble to ancient extinguished animals. The position taken by the other was a positive one since, he established that every year new species of animals are found. This new specie was discovered by researcher Wayne Thompson and was published in the journal Marine Mammal Science.

This article means that since more species are coming to surface, the ones that are endangered maybe are mixing with other endangered specie and thats how new species are forming. I agree on the author's positive position, since it's true that every year more an more species are discovered. I think the author did support his position with sufficient information since he told us that the people who wrote the report on the Marine Mammal Science journal (a very trusted review) worked at the Island Conservation Society. I think the implication for the future about discovering new species is good because although animals are getting extinguished, new ones are found. 

University of New South Wales. "Researchers discover rare new species of deep-diving whale." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 5 February 2014. <>.

Saturday 9 November 2013

Chemical Bonds Popplet link:

Monday 28 October 2013

Chemical Bonds Popplet link:

Sunday 20 October 2013

Science in the News 6

The article I read this week is named, "Super-Luminous Supernovae May Be Powered By Magnetars," and this is the link:

This very interesting article is about astronomers that have proposed that the brightest stars on the universe, called super-luminous supernovae are powered by magnetars with gigantic magnetic fields. This issue relates to what I have learned in science a few years ago because we used to study stars and how the travel with the speed of light and how they are thousands of years old. The reader gets the feeling that the author takes a very positive position towards the ideal that super-luminous supernovae could actually be powered by magnetars because it only says positive comments about the evidence and  research. Astronomers at Queens University have been studying these stars for more than two years now and have found this evidence that contradicts the theory that the brightest supernovae is caused by super-massive stars exploding.

This article serves as a tool to me because it show how adult theories could be wrong as well, for something is called theory or hypothesis, because its an educated guess. I would definitely agree on the author's position, because the astronomers on Queens University show not only strong evidence to support their proposal, but also strong evidence to contradict the proposal said before. Therefore, I definitely agree that the author gave us enough convincing information to support his position. Some of the things this implicates for the future is that later on, when new technology arises, we will be able to know some much more and exact information about our universe.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Science in the News 5

The article I read this week is called: FUTURISTIC FLIGHT, and the link to it is the following:

This fascinating article is about how a highly advanced technology plane makes the first solar-powered flight from coast of San Francisco to New York's coast. The issue relates to science because it shows us how technology in advancing more and more everyday. The position taken by the author is "futuristic" just like the article's title because it tells makes us realise how much technology has advanced to present day and what to expect for the future. Since solar-powered means without using a single drop of fuel, the plane gets all its energy from the Sun. The way it works is that when the Sun is bright and shiny, the plane, called Solar Impulse charges a set of batteries that allows it to work day and night and that way the need of fuel was never needed. 

This article is very amusing to me, since it is incredible how technology is advancing, and how it will become much more easier in the future to travel. It also makes me very happy because if scientists keep working on improving this plane, in the future, planes like this will be used to transport people saving tons of fuel. I absolutely agree in the author's position because technology is advancing so fast that we don't know what the next invention will be. I think the author did showed us enough evidence to support his position because it tells us how we will be able to save fuel in the future and how many things that need fuel will no longer be in need of it. The implications with the future are really good since this article is all about the future. We all have seen how technology advances everyday, like the telephones, they have become much more advanced from the first one they invented. this means that for the future, we can expect anything to happen, even the things you least expect.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Science in the News 4

The article I read this week is titled: Guinness record: World's thinnest glass just two atoms thick, and the link to the article is:

This interesting article is about the world's thinnest sheet of glass, as the title states it. The issue relates to what I have seen in science because precisely we are studying about molecules and atoms and how small they really are. The position taken by the author of the article is one kind of like amazed or blown away. He is really impressed of how glass could have gotten so thin. Lots of studies have been made on this amazing discovery, for example, scientists form Cornell University and Germany's University of Ulm have made studies of how only an oxygen and a silicon atom combined make the thinnest sheet of glass.

This article means many things to me. For example, with this amazing discovery, we now know that scientists will be able to make small things in the future with the help of some science involved. I definitely agree with the position of the author, i am amazed and surprised of how something so small and thin could be cataloged as glass. I think the author did provided us with convincing evidence to support his position because those scientists of the universities gave us the data of how the thinnest glass is made of. The expectations for the future are really good regarding this article since new technology has been applied for this type of experiments.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Science in the News 3

The article I read this week is titled "Scientists Confirm Existence of Largest Single Volcano On Earth" and the link to it is:

The article I read this week is about the largest volcano on Earth and among the largest in the Solar System. This article relates to what I have studied in science because a couple of years ago we studied about some kind of like layers of magma and now it comes to be the largest volcano on Earth named Tamu Massif. The position taken by the author of the article is very happy for the scientist since he made a new discovery and that that discovery could lead him to new ones. The scientist, William Sager first started to to study the volcano in Texas A&M College 20 years ago and now on the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Sager's studies included the location about 1,000 miles east of Japan, that Tamu Massif is the largest feature of Shatsky Rise, which is an underwater mountain range formed 130-145 million years ago by the eruption of many underwater volcanoes. Before this discovery it was not clear if Tamu Massif was a single volcano, or the point of many eruptions. Through many sources of evidence, like core samples and data collected on a research ship, Sagar has confirmed that Tamu Massif's baslat mass did erupt from a single source near the center.

This article applies to my life because I live near the Pacific ocean and surrounded by volcanoes. I definetly agree with the author's postion because the scientist William Sager made a great new discovery which will take him on way of many other new discoveries. I think the author did provided the article with enough convencing evidence and data from William Sager for the biggest volcano on Earth. In the article, the author emphsizes that Sager's studies has lead bim to believe their are bigger volcanoes because there are bigger tectonic plates which could be bigger discoveries for the future.